Lies, Damned Lies, and Vaccine Statistics

The media and CDC seem to be super negative about the power of vaccines against Delta. Here’s the bottom line: Are Vaccines perfect? No. But vaccines are freaking GOOD against Delta. Here’s the CDC’s own data from today.

That’s right: The vaccines reduce COVID infections by *8* fold and hospitalization and death by *25* fold.

To put these data into perspective, if everyone was vaccinated (not even counting reduced transmission), 330 people per week with be hospitalized (.1 out of 100,000 = 1 out of a million people) and 132 people would by dying per week (.04 out of 100,000 = 4 per 10 million).

Save yourself. Save the economy. Get Vaccinated.

Delta Variant Flies too High

Everyone is worried about Delta. But based on data from the UK, it won’t last long. It’s super efficient at infecting, but it burns through the match too fast as there aren’t a lot of people left to infect.

Here’s daily cases from the UK. Their vax rate is a bit higher than the US, but they also used a vaccine that isn’t quite as good as Pfizer/Moderna. Importantly note they didn’t put in really any restrictions so this is natural burn out this time.

It was about 6 weeks from bottom to top. I’m not sure about the exact time frame, but my guess is we have peak delta cases in 3-5 weeks and then we head back down again.