Today is UCI’s Giving Day! Each year UCI dedicates one day to reach out to the community and all of its members to thank them for their support of the University and its mission.
I would personally like to thank all of you that support UC Irvine and specifically the Paul Merage School of Business and CIWM and its programming such as LIFEvest. You truly make a huge difference in the lives of thousands of students and community members each year.
If you’ve enjoyed this blog and are financially able, consider giving to CIWM today. This blog is simply to further my goal – and CIWM’s goal – to increase financial literacy in the community. You can use the QR code below to get to the giving page or just click here.
As a challenge to those out there, I will personally match the first $1,000 giving to CIWM today.
Thank you again for your support of UC Irvine!