The Captain Obvious Statistical Facts

You can make statistics say anything you want. Stats don’t lie. All common phrases. For me the worst are what I call the Captain Obvious Statistics.

For example… do you know you are most likely to die in a car accident within a mile of your house? I know. Shocker considering… you are probably most likely to be driving within a mile of your house. (Imagine if I told you you are most likely to die in a car accident within 3000 miles of your house …)

Well, today’s Captain Obvious statistic: You were most likely to get COVID-19 at a supermarket.

Shocker. During the lockdowns the only thing open were supermarkets. Even if you are risk averse and travel or go out to eat, you still had to go to the supermarkets.

Supermarkets aren’t any more risky than anywhere else. It’s just more likely that you went to the supermarket than anywhere else.

COVID: Record High Hospitalizations

When I post COVID cases, many people ask if that is the right measure. Well, First comes Love (cases), then comes marriage (hospitalizations), then comes a baby in a baby carriage (deaths).

We hit a record high number of hospitalizations yesterday here in the US. Deaths have started to climb.

While we did get some good news from Pfizer about a vaccine coming, it’s still months away – probably February until the first people get their second dose.

In the mean time, it will be a long winter, likely with economic consequences.