Tesla: The House of Cars
Tesla stock is down over 60% from its high. It was predictable this would happen: Way overvalued. People also seem to now understand why Elon was fired from PayPal. But there’s a bigger problem: Elon’s loans.

As of June of this year, Elon has used over half of his Tesla stock as collateral for loans. This is why he didn’t use his own money to buy Twitter. He didn’t want to use even more of his stock. (Or banks wouldn’t let him.)
Whelp, on June 30th, Tesla stock was at $225. Which means, by the time it hits $112.50, Elon would be getting margin calls. Twitter is bleeding money (he’s even looking for new money already) and SpaceX is private and is a cash user. He’s sold all of his houses.
Thus, if Tesla stock drops much farther, it seems likely that Elon will get margin calls which he will need to sell Tesla stock to fulfill. This will push the stock down more, which will lead to more margin calls.
At least he only owns like 25-30% of the stock…